Since we didn’t originally plan to make a website of all this, we does not remember all the web-sources he have used.
If you find any information here that was taken from your site, please mail us and let us know. T
he sites that we have used as a source are make with the word -Source- (oh, how ingenious!)
- – The site of the club of videdeomakers in Genoa that has produced the amateur documentary (only in Italian language) Michelangelo, fine di un transatlantico, fine di un’era” (Michelangelo: end of a liner, end of an era). The site is only in Ialian language.
- – a great site about ships, with a forum and a large collection of photos sent by the users. -Source-
- – A site with plenty material about liners and cruise ships. It surely worths to be visited
- Caronia II Timeline – Charting the glittering career of Cunard’s world-famous
‘Green Goddess’ – the RMS Caronia. Very complete site by Peter Stevens (Lowestoft – UK), dedicated to the liner Caronia of the Cunard line and to the era of liners. - – Site by Roger Pena, where you can buy memorabilia about any kind of transports, also some about the Italian Line.
- – Site by Barrett Hochhaus (Arizona – USA), especially dedicated to the naval modelling, ehre you can found other images of the radiocontrolled model of the Raffaello, and many other ships.
- The Great Ocean Liners – The most comprehensive site about Ocean liners, with great site design and an ever-expanding database covering probably over a hundred ships. This is also the site that introduced Kalle to Michelangelo and Raffaello. -Source-
- – A wide collection of images on liners and cruise ships related to New York port -Source-
- The Crow’s Nest – A great site dedicated solely to P&O Lines’ Australian liner Canberra. The site design is simply excellent, and there isn’t much about the Canberra that would not be covered here.
- Silja Opera Pages – A sister site of the aboce, dedicated to the Finnish/Swedish company Silja Line. This site (which loads very slowly on my computer) is also available in English (I think).
- – A finnish website dedicated to the finnish maritime company Viking Line. Unfortunately this site is available only in Finnish.